Karl Erik Hofseth



1 minute read


A picture of some random code in an IDE
Apparently people take pictures of IDEs and distribute them under CC0. Also that looks very PHP. *shudders*

I might write here from time to time. Probably about tech, but also media/current affairs/whatever. Basically, anything I find interesting enough to share with the void.

I think tradition dictates that this post must include a "hello world" script; my only choice in the matter is which language to use.

console.log("Hello, world!")

It seems appropriate somehow to use the same language used to deliver this webpage (which was written in Gatsby), though I suppose it's hard to notice the TypeScript in that line alone.

Perhaps I should pick a language I like more?

fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");

Though, admittedly, I have less experience in Rust than I would like, having not had reason to use it for any real project. (Also I can't be bothered to fix the fact that the syntax highlighter doesn't support it).

Most elegant language, perhaps?

print("Hello, world!")

Python certainly wins for brevity in this instance.